Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What I had done recently

Hi, I'm back. I have not written in the longest time because I have been really busy. First we went and saw my brother Carlos and Estrella. We went because he was promoted to a Captain in the USA Air Force. The ceremony was nice and short I thought it was going to be longer like the one in San Angelo. But it was short. Estrella and my mom made some chicken enchiladas and Estrella some rice. That day we also celebrated my parents 32 anniversary. Carlos and Estrella invited us too a special dinner and I had duck it was so good. I also got to see Thomas and Dutches well they are the pet animals. Thomas is the cat and Dutches is a dog. I aslo went to Barnes and Noble sorry I did not spell right and Michael's. Now I'm working on Betzy's present I still need 6 more pages to go. This all for now Lizette

Hola estoy de vuelta. No habia estado escribiendo porque ha estado bien ocupada. Primero nosotros fuimos a ver a mi hermano Carlos y Estrella. Nosotros fuimos porque fuimos a ver su promocion de la Fuerza Armada. Ahora es Capitan. La ceromonia etuvo cortita pero bonita. Pero yo creia que iva hacer mas larga como la de San Angelo. Estrella y mi mama hicieron enchiladas de pollo y Estrella hiso arroz. Tambien ese dia mi papas celebraron su annversario de bodas Ya cumplieron 32. Carlos y Estrella los invitaron auna cena especial yo comi pato estaba sabroso. y Tambien vi a thomas el gato y Duquesa la perrita tambien fui a Barnes y Noble y micheals. Y ahora estoy haciendo el regalo de Betzy todavia necesito 6 mas paginas. Bueno esto todo por hoy Lizette